Dental bonding versus dental veneers: which one is better?

Update in January 11, 2024

Dental bonding versus dental veneers which one is better

Dental bonding and dental veneers have helped dentists greatly in beautifying smiles for patients. The dental materials used in these procedures correct imperfections such as misshapen teeth, chipped teeth, minor misalignment and lengthen the visible part of natural teeth crown. Although the two procedures appear to correct esthetic problems in a similar manner, there is a lot of difference in the way they are used for cosmetic purposes. Dental bonding and dental veneers have their own applications and advantages in a smile makeover. If you have an idea of a perfect smile, discuss it with cosmetic dentists.

What is Dental Bonding?

What is Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is applied to existing teeth to enhance their appearance. Made out of a special resin, this bonding material could be molded into any shape to sculpt teeth into a perfect smile.

It could be safely used for teeth that have been decayed, as well as those which have chipped. Tooth bonding may be in use for those teeth that have lost their color or part of their enamel. It is a popular way to cover roots that have receded due to gum disease.

During this cosmetic dentistry procedure, your dentist helps you choose a color for the bonding material. From there, they start applying the soft coating to your teeth and shape it to fit in with the rest of your tooth. Once the material hardens on your teeth, it gets a proper finish. Your tooth under the bonding material stays the same.

That’s it. You receive your pearly whites just like that. Often, bonding may occur within a single visit. The process is as simple as it seems, while the upkeep is also minimal. Take care of your teeth as you usually do. If you don’t bite your nails and grind your teeth but take care of your oral hygiene, your dental bonding could last for a long time.



Bonding is among the easiest and least expensive of cosmetic dental procedures. Unlike veneers and crowns, which are customized tooth coverings that must be manufactured in a laboratory, bonding usually can be done in one office visit unless several teeth are involved. Another advantage, compared with veneers and crowns, is that the least amount of tooth enamel is removed. Also, unless dental bonding is being performed to fill a cavity, anesthesia is usually not required.


Although the material used in dental bonding is somewhat stain resistant, it does not resist stains as well as veneers and crowns. Another disadvantage is that the bonding materials do not last as long nor are as strong as other restorative procedures, such as crowns, veneers, or fillings. Additionally, bonding materials can chip and break off the tooth.

Because of some of the limitations of bonding, some dentists view bonding as best suited for small cosmetic changes, for temporary correction of cosmetic defects, and for correction of teeth in areas of very low bite pressure usually at the front teeth. Consult with dentist about the best cosmetic approach for your particular problem.

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are perhaps the most popular procedures in cosmetic dentistry. Due to their origination in the Hollywood film industry, they are also called Hollywood teeth.

Veneers are thin coatings that are typically made of porcelain. They are specially created to fit each tooth individually. As such, they are developed in a dental lab to be a perfect match for your teeth.

Porcelain veneers could be used to cover discolored, chipped, slightly damaged or misaligned teeth.

Unlike bonding, the material for veneers is hard from the very start. Since the content may not be shaped further, your dentist would sculpt your existing tooth to make room for the veneer. As such, you trade in your natural smile for porcelain veneers permanently. The veneer is applied to your tooth using a unique adhesive. Since the procedure involves a lab as well as grinding your existing tooth’s enamel, it takes more time than dental bonding.

The maintenance and upkeep for a veneer stay the same. You need to maintain proper hygiene to keep your veneers for years.

Pros and Cons of Dental Veneers

Cosmetic veneers are custom-designed of a porcelain material that is color and texture matched to the surrounding teeth. It is highly resistant to staining, allowing your teeth to maintain a sparkling, white appearance. Veneers are long-lasting, with the potential of lasting 15 years or more.

While veneers are incredibly durable, they can sustain damage. Patients who grind or clench their teeth, a condition known as bruxism, may need to use nightguards to protect the veneers in their sleep.

Porcelain Veneers vs. Dental Bonding

Porcelain Veneers vs. Dental Bonding

Dental bonding and porcelain veneers take a similar approach to correcting cosmetic concerns. That is why many people end up choosing between the two treatments. However, there are some distinct differences between veneers and bonding, including:

  • Treatable concerns:Both procedures can address many of the same cosmetic issues. However, veneers may be a better option for improving more pronounced concerns.
  • Tooth preparation:In order to allow the porcelain veneers to blend in seamlessly with your smile, dentists must remove a small amount of enamel from your teeth. Dental bonding requires no tooth preparation.
  • Material: Dental bonding is performed using a tooth-colored composite resin material. Porcelain veneers are unique, customized restorations that are created from a durable ceramic substance by a lab. The ceramic material is strong and resists staining.
  • Longevity: With the proper care, porcelain veneers have a longer lifespan than dental bonding. Stick to a good oral hygiene routine and visit us for regular cleanings to extend the life of the option that you choose.
  • Cost: Dental bonding is often less expensive than porcelain veneers. However, keep in mind that it will not resist staining, so you may need additional cosmetic procedures to keep your teeth looking white. You will also need to replace the bonding more frequently than you would need to replace a veneer.

How to choose between dental bonding and dental veneer

a personalized consultation is the best way to determine which treatment is right for your unique needs. dentists will listen to your cosmetic concerns and perform a comprehensive examination to find the most appropriate solution for you.



How Long Does Dental Bonding Take?

You may need as little as one appointment for teeth bonding, which means you can leave our office smiling with confidence. It usually takes about 30 to 60 minutes to bond one tooth, which means you may need to schedule several visits to bond several teeth.

Does Teeth Bonding Hurt?

The teeth bonding procedure is relatively painless. Most likely, you won’t even need pain relievers. However, you may experience some tooth sensitivity to heat and cold after the procedure. If you experience this side effect, you can take over-the-counter pain medication for relief.

How Long is the Recovery Time?

There is no recovery time involved with the cosmetic bonding and veneet procedure. You can go back to work immediately after dental bonding and veneer and it shouldn’t affect your ability to drive.

How Soon Can I Eat or Drink?

The resin cures completely during the dental bonding and veneer process, so you won’t have to wait after your appointment to eat or drink. However, you may experience some slight tooth sensitivity to heat and cold after teeth bonding.

Will Cosmetic Bonding Change the Way My Retainer Fits?

It is possible that dental bonding may slightly alter the way your retainer or other oral appliance fits. However, the effect should be minimal.

Am I a Candidate for Teeth Bonding?

Teeth bonding usually has the best results in areas that experience less pressure from chewing. This usually means that front teeth are elected to be fixed for practical and cosmetic reasons.

If you wish to repair a chipped tooth that’s not in the front, it’s still worth bringing it up to cosmetic dentist. dentists can create a customized dental plan to eliminate any physical discomfort or self-esteem issues.

How Do I Take Care of Bonded Teeth And Veneer?

You’ll need to maintain good oral hygiene, regardless of whether you have bonded teeth or not. That way, you’ll be able to enjoy a beautiful, healthy smile for years to come.

Make sure you brush your teeth twice a day and floss once daily. As an optional step, you may also use a fluoride mouth rinse after brushing and flossing. Fluoride helps strengthen enamel, reducing your risk of getting cavities. You’ll also need to continue seeing dentist every 6 months for your routine teeth cleaning and oral examination. That way, dentist will be able to monitor the condition of your bonded teeth and veneet and the rest of your smile.

These routine visits also give dentists the opportunity to remove plaque and tartar. If left untreated, plaque and tartar buildup can cause cavities, gum disease, and other oral health problems.

How Long Does Bonding Material Last?

The lifespan of bonding materials depends on how much bonding was done and your oral habits. Typically, however, bonding material lasts from 3 years up to about 10 years before needing to be touched up or replaced.

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