Replacing an old dental crown with porcelain crowns

Update in January 11, 2024

Replacing an old dental crown with porcelain crowns

crowns restore tooth material that has been lost as a result of decay. Despite lasting a number of years, there comes a day when they need to be replaced. This may be due simply down to wear and tear, cosmetic issues such as darkening.  Whether a person needs their crown replaced is down to their individual circumstances; you might need it replacing old crowns with porcelain crowns. because of cracks and chips that are paving the way for decay or you may simply wish to have a new crown for aesthetic reasons. Porcelain crowns look the most natural.

Benefits Of Dental Crowns

Benefits of Dental Crowns

In the long run, decay in your tooth can eventually cause further damage that may lead to tooth loss. Once you lose your tooth, this can result to other concerns since you there will be no more tooth to hold the others in place. This means, shifting can occur, and spaces that form will make it easy for debris from food to get stuck. Eventually, not being able to clean the teeth properly further progress to other problems that may be difficult – and expensive – to correct in the future.

Dental crowns serve as a cap to damaged and misshapen teeth, so the aesthetic appearance can be restored. Moreover, discolored teeth can be improved with the help of dental crowns as these can make them appear like the rest of your original teeth. So, you will no longer feel awkward or embarrassed to smile and open your mout because of the cosmetic benefits you get from crowns.

It is also worth noting that once you go through dental implantation or root canal treatment, there is a need to have a custom-fitted crown for your tooth. With this in mind, a crown’s benefit is not limited to its aesthetic or cosmetic purposes alone. It is also a necessity with those who are getting dental implants.

There are some people who tend to grind their teeth whether consciously or unconsciously, as well as individuals who clench their jaws as a habit each time they sleep. When this issue remains unaddressed, you are at risk of suffering from cracks or fractures in the enamel of your teeth. As a result, you may be required to wear dental crowns just to improve the appearance and quality of your damaged or misshapen teeth caused by this nighttime habit.

Reasons For Dental Crown Replacement

Tooth Decay

Tooth Decay

One of the most common reasons patients head to the dentist to replace old dental crowns is tooth decay. When tooth decay forms under your dental crown, your gums can recede. When this happens, your tooth root surface becomes exposed and can develop a cavity. If your dentist notices that you have tooth decay under your crown, they will either drill a hole into your current crown, or remove your crown to clean out the decay — the same decay removal process used before placing tooth fillings. You may even need root canal treatment if the decay has infected your tooth’s pulp. Regular teeth cleanings and exams will help your dentist see any decay early and potentially save you from needing a root canal — so make sure to keep your appointments!

Chips And Breaks

While most dental crowns these days are made with strong ceramic or porcelain, they can still become fractured — especially if they experience trauma. If you notice a chip or break in your dental crown after enduring a sports-related injury, a blow to your face from a fall, or even biting down on something that is too hard, it’s essential to see your dentist for an evaluation.

Excessive Wear

Over time, dental crowns can deteriorate due to normal wear from biting and chewing, or even from grinding your teeth at night. These activities can cause holes to form in your dental crown, or even cause dental crowns to wear against your natural teeth. If you notice any deterioration, you may benefit from dental crown replacement.

Complications With Old Dental Crowns

Sometimes older dental crowns — especially those that were made from an older type of porcelain on front teeth — may need replaced as you age. Gum recession tends to happen to everyone as we get older, so outdated dental crowns crafted with old porcelain that was placed over metal crowns can show up as dark shadows along the gum line. A skilled dentist can replace your old crown with a new, higher-quality ceramic crown to ensure your smile looks great no matter your age.

Cosmetic Reasons

There are times when you may want a dental crown replaced strictly due to aesthetic reasons. For example, if you have whitened your teeth, you may notice that your ceramic crowns no longer match the shade of your natural teeth. If the color imbalance bothers you, this alone can be enough to want to replace your dental crowns with new ones that are shaded to match your teeth. Additionally, dental crowns can change texture and stain over the years, which can be quite noticeable — on front teeth especially.

Replacing Old Crowns With Porcelain Crowns

Replacing old crowns with Porcelain Crowns

Crowns are made from various types of materials. Depending on which tooth needs a crown, your dentist will suggest a material, or combination of materials, that is right for you. Replacing the old resin crown on the front tooth which had discoloured with a new porcelain crown meant that the patient was able to still retain some of their own tooth underneath.

For this patient the option of a porcelain crown gave them the added benefit of having an artificial tooth with a finish that looks like natural tooth enamel. This gives it a natural looking shine to create an overall full glossy youthful smile.

They are more brittle than metal or composite and may chip more easily. Because of this, they are not usually placed on back teeth.

What To Expect During The Dental Crown Replacement Procedure?

What to Expect During the Dental Crown Replacement Procedure

A dental crown replacement procedure can sometimes be more complicated than what you experienced during the first placement of a crown. This is why it’s critical to see your dentist for regular dental exams so they can spot and take care of any problems early on. But if you delay treatment after noticing any leakage, chips, holes, or cracks, you may be in for a much more complex procedure. Here’s what to expect during a traditional dental crown replacement procedure:

  • Your dentist will numb the area with a local anesthetic so you won’t feel any pain during your procedure.
  • Your old dental crown will then be removed from your tooth.
  • Your natural tooth underneath the crown will be cleaned until all decay is removed.
  • If needed, your dentist will build up your tooth to its original contour.
  • Your dentist will take impressions of your teeth, and match your teeth to the right color of ceramic. The mould will then be sent to a dental lab where technicians will create your new crown.
  • Your dentist will place a temporary dental crown over your tooth for protection.
  • You will return to the dentist’s office after a few weeks where your dental crown will be bonded in place with powerful dental cement.


Crowns are strong and generally last for about 10 years or longer if you take good care of them. Brush and floss your crown, just like you clean your natural teeth. Crowns may not be as strong as your natural teeth. So like your natural teeth, remember not to bite down on hard objects or use your teeth to open or cut things.

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