Dental veneer in Tehran-Iran

Dr. Keyhani
Dr. Keyhani
U.C University Graduated

Update in January 22, 2024

Dental veneers are made of a thin ceramic layer which replace original tooth enamel . To apply a veneer a 1/2 mm reduction of original tooth is folowed by a very detailed impression . This thin reduction is essential to make room for the veneer so it looks natural and in line with patient’s other teeth. A better appearance than the original teeth is always acheived by this procedure.  The bond between the dental laminate veneer and the tooth should be in enamel and not in dentin . It has been proven time and time again that dentin does not give us the best adhesion hence every effort needs to be done to finish the prep lines in the enamel. This bond is of great importance since it provides the esthetic perfection that both the dentist and the patient are after. A light sensitive resin is cured between the tooth and the porcelain veneer before the veneer cement is applied.

Dental veneers are used in many situations where the original tooth is discolored or has an inferior shape. It can also be used to increase the height or width of a tooth and reshaping the smile line to what is called “hollywood smile” these days. At My Tehran Dentist we strive to do each venner naturally so it does not show fake or too white . Some patients try to whiten their teeth with no good results and end up having dental veneers as well.

Our dental clinic is located in Medical Building No. 241, 3rd Floor, Unit 11, next to the sports club in Farmanieh (Lavasani), Tehran, Iran. We specialize in providing various dental services, including laminate veneers and low-prep Lumineers dental veneers. 

They can reach out to us directly at +98 21 2611 0052 or +98 21 2611 0053 to schedule appointments or inquire about our services.

Advantages of getting dental veneer :

1- They provide natural tooth apperance

2-The gums tolerates and adopts to the porcleain very well , hence no dark edges are seen

3-Stain resistant and color match with existing teeth is easy to acheive .

4- More aestetic alternative to crowns with minimum shaving of the tooth.

Downside to Veneers :

Veneers are more costly that ordinary crowns .Patients are advised not to chew on pencils , nails or ice .The veneers last 10 to 20 years depending on each case and can be easily replaced . Dental veneers do not require any special care and can be bruhed and flossed normally.

Dental veneers are thin custom-made shells that cover the front surface of your tooth to improve their appearance. They are made of tooth-colored materials and can be used to improve the color of teeth that have been worn down or stained. Alternatively, they can be used to improve the shape or size of the tooth. Best cosmetic veneer dentist in Tehran can determine if you are a candidate for veneers by reviewing your dental history and examining your teeth.  Tell cosmetic veneer dentist about your present concerns and expectations for veneers.  Cosmetic veneer dentist can help you select the type of veneer that is most appropriate for you. Best cosmetic veneer dentist in Tehran provides superior cosmetic dentistry services and has been flawlessly applying veneers for years, giving patients a beautiful smile.

When should you consider dental veneers?

Dental veneers are a cosmetic dentistry treatment. That is to say, they improve the appearance of your teeth but don’t have any effect on your dental health. The veneers are actually thin shells of porcelain or composite resin material that are bonded to the front of the tooth, essentially covering the tooth behind it. So, problems like a stained or discoloured tooth (even those due to antibiotic staining), a chipped or broken tooth or uneven or misshapen tooth can all be fixed with dental veneers.

If your smile is crooked the veneers can be placed in a row (typically four, six or eight, depending on how many of your teeth you show when you smile) to instantly produce a straight, white smile. This is an alternative to time-consuming (and unsightly) orthodontic treatment with braces, which may take many years to straighten your teeth.

Dental veneer types

Dentists in Tehran use the following types of veneers:

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers, also known as traditional veneers, started as a temporary fix to improve the smiles of actors. These veneers are thin ceramic shells which get bonded to the front side of your teeth. This method has since become a popular and permanent solution to undesired smiles. Porcelain veneers will last for at least ten years. With the right dentist and dental care maintenance, they can last for over 20 years.

When having porcelain veneers applied, our dentists will take an impression of your teeth to ensure your custom veneers fit perfectly to your existing structure. Typically they will also apply temporary veneers during this appointment as well, to be replaced with your new porcelain veneers during your next dentist visit. The dentist will grind, buff, or use other practices to prepare your teeth for the porcelain application. Once the veneers are applied you will leave with a beautiful smile you can’t wait to show off.

There is a downside to porcelain veneers, as some applications will require numbing shots or anesthesia to reduce pain during treatment. Though these are the strongest veneers, they are more difficult to repair if something chips them. Your teeth below the veneers will also be irreversibly reshaped during the application, this is of course covered by your pristine veneers.


Lumineers are the thinnest and strongest dental veneer, about as thick as a contact lens. Applying Lumineers does not require grinding and is pain free for the patient. It takes about two dentist visits to apply Lumineers. They will last for over 20 years and are completely reversible if desired. Common complaints about Lumineers include:
  • Veneer detaching shortly after the treatment
  • Translucency showing a dark tooth beneath instead of being pearly white
  • Patients thinking the veneer is not thick enough

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers, also known as bonded veneers, are a cheaper and less destructive way to improve your smile. They can be applied in one visit to best cosmetic veneer dentist in Tehran. Bonded veneers last around five to ten years and create a perfect smile with composite material covering your front teeth. These veneers are polished and smoothed to achieve the look of normal teeth. Composite veneers will help you achieve your dream smile, but are more prone to chipping and staining than porcelain veneers. Though this is a large disadvantage in a way, bonded veneers can be easily repaired.

Palatal Veneers

Palatal veneers are generally constructed out of gold, but you can also get them manufactured out of porcelain or composite materials. These veneers are designed specifically for the treatment and management of tooth wear and are applied to the inside of your upper teeth.

Non-Permanent Veneers

Non-permanent veneers are typically used before the placement of porcelain veneers or when you want veneers which are easily removed as needed. Non-permanent veneers are made from a flexible type of resin material or plastic. There are even kits you can purchase to apply non-permanent veneers at home.

Whether you want to improve your smile with porcelain veneers or bonded veneers, Best cosmetic veneer dentist in Tehran will help you achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of. Improve your smile and gain newfound confidence with our expert veneer treatment.

What is the procedure for dental veneers?

The procedure typically involves two trips to the dentist and includes at your first visit:

Assessment, Treatment Planning and Tooth Preparation

At your initial consultation the best cosmetic veneer dentist in Tehran will examine your mouth and x-rays may be taken. If you are deemed suitable for veneers and you agree to go ahead with the treatment your teeth will be prepared at this point. This involves removing a sliver of enamel from the front of the tooth (which is where the veneer will be placed) and taking impressions of your teeth. The impressions are sent to a lab where your veneers will be made.

Lifespan of Porcelain Veneers

Fixing Veneers

At your second visit to the dentist several days later, the veneer is fixed to your tooth with a special light-activated adhesive that bonds the veneer securely to the tooth. If your dentist offers CAD/CAM technology then it may be possible to carry out all parts of the treatment, from initial consultation to fixing the veneer in just one visit. CAD/CAM is computer-aided manufacture/computer-aided design whereby a mock-up of your mouth is produced on a computer and you and your dentist can design your smile together. This allows you to see the veneer (veneers) in place and make adjustments so you are completely happy with the look. The computer then sends the information to your dentist’s onsite lab and your veneer is milled while you wait.

Contraindications of veneers

Long-term teeth-grinding (bruxism) can wear down and shorten the incisor teeth at the front of your mouth. Veneer application may be a more complicated procedure if you grind your teeth.

Applying veneers to the incisors can lengthen them, but there is a risk of weakening the veneer attachment if your dentist does not build up the height of your teeth in the back of your mouth at the same time.

Some diseases and diets with large amounts of acidic foods and drinks can decrease the thickenss of your outer tooth enamel or dentin.  The adhesive used to hold the veneers is not as strong, the thinner your dentin. Your dentist will talk more with you about whether or not you are a good candidate for dental veneers.

Best cosmetic veneer dentist in Tehran has a longer success rate with dental veneers’ lifespan.  Ideally, dental veneers should last at least 12 years.

You may need to have your veneers replace if there are cracks or fractures in the ceramic film. These cracks can allow staining through liquids soaking into the cracks. They also increase the risk of cavities. Veneers rarely fall off.

Good oral hygiene is the most important factor in determining the health of your teeth and how long your veneers will last.

One of the benefits of dental veneers is that they require the same care as your other teeth:

  • Brushing with a fluoride-containing toothpast a minimum of two times a day, preferably with an electric toothbrush
  • Flossing daily
  • Visiting the dentist every 6 months- to one year for a dental hygiene appointment
  • If you grind your teeth, your dentistwill advise you to wear a night protection guard for your teeth

Not only are veneers safe and well tolerated by the oral tissues, but they are also a very conservative dental treatment option.  Tooth structure is minimally prepared to allow for a veneer to bond to the surface.  Because the preparation is minimal in majority of cases the tooth and associated nerve are not subject to excessive drilling which leads to fewer post treatment complications as compared to other, more extensive dental procedures.

Oftentimes patients do tend to get confused about the difference between a dental veneer and a dental crown.  The best way to explain this is that a crown is a much more extensive procedure in regards to how much tooth structure needs be removed to prepare the tooth for a crown.  Typically, crowns are preferred over veneers when there are other factors to consider such as dental decay or attrition/erosion of the teeth.  Dental crowns cover the tooth completely all around, while the dental veneer mainly just covers the front facing portion of the tooth.

The integrity of veneered teeth is only marginally compromised, and the veneer is bonded to the existing teeth. There is no higher incidence of decay provided the veneers are properly cared for as previously mentioned with regular flossing and brushing with toothpaste. In general, it is good dental advice to keep your sugar consumption low and confined to meal times to prevent decay.

Individual results vary, but the goal is for the porcelain veneers to look and feel like a person’s own teeth, only better. To avoid the too-straight, too-white appearance that many associate with obvious veneers, intentional imperfections like slight rotation, subtle discoloration, and grooves can be made to imitate natural flaws.

A successful case is the result of great teamwork between a dentist and lab technician. The dentist must design the case for long-term success and the ceramist must create custom works of art to give a beautiful and natural look. Cosmetics is not taught in dental school, so it’s important to find a dentist that has extra training and certification showing this education. Experience counts.”

 Because some tooth structure and enamel are removed prior to placing veneers, this is considered an irreversible treatment. Veneers may be replaced, but removing them for good will leave your teeth permanently scarred, at high risk for damage, and unhealthy looking.

Generally, cemented restorations, such as crowns or veneers (see the procedure section), will require two visits: one to shape the teeth and one to cement the restorations to the teeth. Between visits, your dentist can place attractive provisional restorations to help prevent sensitivity, allow limited function, and provide a nice smile. These temporaries are designed to be in your mouth for a limited time, but should be comfortable and natural looking until your new smile is completed.

Porcelain veneers should never stain; however; if your teeth have a propensity to stain you should try to avoid or minimize the behaviours that lead to staining and look after them as recommended above with normal hygiene and maintenance procedures.

 This concern will be addressed by your dental professional. Most people get their veneers in a whiter shade than their natural teeth and then under tooth whitening to create a matching esthetic.