Re Root Canal Treatment

Update in January 3, 2024

A tooth with a root canal can last a lifetime if the tooth was treated properly by an endo specialist. If the tooth that has been treated does not heal and become painful months after the treatment, you need to see a specialist endodontist dentist for a second chance. The retreatment of the tooth involves taking out the old root filling, cleaning the roots of any debris and bacteria and refill the tooth again with new gutta-percha points ( artificial nerve ).So if you are experiencing any dental pain or discomfort when pressing on your teeth, give us a call 26110052 to book an appointment with our endo specialist who is always at the practice Saturdays and Mondays.

The teeth after a root canal does not heal for various reasons:

Narrow, curved root canals were not found by the dentist during the initial root canal by a general practitioner.

Root canal anatomy was complicated.

Patients came back for the restoration later than he should have and bacteria had access to the canal through the temporary filling. ( Temporary filling are only good for one to two weeks ). These temporary fillings do not prevent salivary contamination to the inside of the tooth.

A new cavity on the same tooth can lead to bacteria contamination.

Loose filling or cracked fillings can jeopardize a root canal

A tooth has an internal fracture, causing the bacteria to re – enter the pulp chamber which is now filled with artificial nerve.

During this re – treatment the Endodontic specialist, also called endodontist reopens the tooth from the top and slowly and carefully removes the old artificial nerves that were placed by your general dentist. After a thorough examination, the endodontist looks for additional canals that were not found previously.
The endodontist removes any infection and cleans and shapes the canals so he can put the new artificial nerve ( also called gutta percha ). The tooth will be sealed with a temporary filling and gets referred to the general or restorative specialist dentist. At my Tehran dentist, we never restore the tooth the same day unless the patient asks us to do so or does not have their own dentist.



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