Restorative dentist Tehran: What does restorative mean in dentistry?

Update in January 11, 2024

Restorative dentist Tehran

Most people have heard of both general dentistry as a general cleaning, cosmetic dentistry as a way to get a perfect smile but they haven’t of restorative dentistry. Most times restorative dentistry comes in before cosmetic dentistry to help lay the foundation of the smile.

Restorative dentistry is what your dentist does procedure wise to keep your mouth healthy and fully functioning. Restorative dentistry will also fix structural problems to your teeth such as damaged or missing teeth. Restorative dentists use devices such as dentures, crowns, bridges, onlays, inlays and also dental implants to restore your teeth and their proper functioning.

Who Needs Restorative Dentistry?

Anyone might need restorative dentistry depending on the state of their teeth and gum health. Instead of waiting until a tooth problem becomes unbearable, it is essential to regularly visit a dentist for a checkup to detect and address dental issues before they worsen.

Benefits Of Visiting Restorative Dentists In Tehran

Benefits of visiting restorative dentists in Tehran

The benefits of restorative dentistry are the following:

Restorative Dentistry Can Improve Teeth Appearance

Dental restoration procedures can help restore your elegant smile via the replacement of missing, broken, or infected teeth using dental crowns or dental implants.

If you prefer an easier solution instead of committing to dental implants, you may consider dental crowns. You will still reap the benefit of restoring your natural smile because the crowns become a replica of your teeth’s natural shade.

Restorative Dentistry Can Improve Your Oral And Overall Health

Your oral hygiene speaks much about your overall health. The appearance or state of your gums and teeth can be an indicator of vibrant health or someone who is at risk of stroke, heart failure, diabetes, and other compromising health conditions.

visiting restorative dentists in Tehran to keep your teeth and gums healthy can help you minimize the chances of contracting gum- and teeth-related or induced illnesses.

Restorative Dentistry Can Prevent Tooth Movement

A single missing tooth can disrupt the positions of other teeth. More problems (both medical and aesthetic) arise when the rest of the remaining teeth move out of their designated places. Also, movement of teeth out of their proper positions puts you at the risk of spending more money on complex dental procedures, such as getting braces.

You can fix the issue as soon as possible to save yourself from more health complications that will require more money, commitment, and time. One of the ways you can do so is by promptly seeking restorative dentistry for a quick fill to prevent the worsening condition of, say, a cracked tooth. Acting fast will help your remaining teeth retain their position and save you from coughing up more money for expensive dental procedures.

Restorative Dentistry Can Help Protect Your Natural Teeth

Teeth fractures and cracks can be painful. They may be a result of physical traumas, and damages from wear and tear, among many others. Irrespective of the nature and cause of the damage, the most essential step to take is to get a quick dental fix.

Pain from any teeth-related problem can make even the simple task of chewing food extremely comfortable. Exposure to cold or hot temperatures can make a tooth become more sensitive, resulting in much pain. In due course, the tooth might start hurting even without exposure to pain-causing factors.

The greatest danger lies in worsening damage. Tissue infections may arise from extensive tooth fractures or cracks. The gum and bone around the affected tooth will suffer, and, over time, it may push you to get a dental extraction.

Timely dental restoration procedures can help fix the core of the tooth problem, protecting you from losing your natural tooth.

Restorative Dentistry Can Be A Long-lasting Solution

Restorative Dentistry Can Be A Long-lasting Solution

Failing to address broken teeth can pave the way for gum infections. Dental implants are an excellent and reliable medical solution to prevent a cracked tooth from inducing gum infections.

Professional and quality dental restoration procedures have been proven to be a durable solution to a lot of teeth-related issues. Another advantage of dental implants is their suitability for senior citizens as these could help reinforce the stability and strength of their jawbones.

Restorative Dentistry Can Give You A Better Dental Structure

Your gums need support from your teeth. In the absence of your teeth, the structure of your mouth will weaken and worsen over time.

Dental implants can help replace or refill the affected teeth, ensuring the gums have the necessary support to stabilize the overall structure of your mouth. As the implants bond with the gums, they strengthen the bone structure of your jaw, preparing and sustaining it for longevity.

How Restorative Dentists In Tehran Can Help You?

Here are some of the restorative dental services in Tehran:.


Dental fillings are the most common type of restorative dentistry. This option is used to replace decayed portions of your teeth that have caused cavities to form. With the right filling material and a proper job done, you can expect fillings to last several years and provide the appearance and functionally of an intact tooth.



Crowns are used to cover a tooth so that its normal appearance and shape can be restored. They are one of the longest-lasting of the cosmetic procedures and are an alternative to veneers, but crowns are often more expensive.

A crown is a tooth-shaped cap your dentist places over a damaged, decayed, or cracked tooth to restore its proper size, shape, aesthetic, and strength. As with fillings, crowns come in many different materials, the most popular of which are tooth-colored for a natural appearance.


You may need a bridge if you’re missing one or more teeth. A false tooth takes the place of the missing one, and crowns on the adjacent teeth hold the bridge in place. This eliminates the gap in your smile, restores a normal bite, and helps keep your whole mouth healthy.



An implant is another way to replace a missing tooth. A metal screw takes the place of the root and anchors the implant in place without the need to carve down the adjacent teeth and install crowns. To make the implant look like a natural tooth, restorative dentists in Tehran completes the installation with a tooth-colored crown.



Thin, semi-transparent porcelain shells called veneers bond to your teeth to improve their appearance. You might pursue this restorative dentistry option if you have broken, chipped, discolored, crooked, or misshapen teeth. Veneers can often improve the look of your smile in place of more complicated, time-consuming procedures, such as having to wear braces.

Composite Bonding

Do you have a chipped, cracked, or discolored tooth? Composite bonding is useful for fixing these aesthetic problems to enhance the look of your smile. The process involves chemically bonding a composite material to your existing tooth. Unlike crowns and veneers, very little, if any, of the original tooth is removed.



If you have missing teeth and damaged gum tissue, dentures are an effective way to restore your smile, prevent speaking difficulties, and make chewing more comfortable. Restorative dentists in Tehran can create natural-looking partial, full, or implant-secured dentures for you, depending on your needs.

Root Canals

Root Canals

When a tooth becomes so badly decayed that a filling isn’t enough, you might need to undergo a root canal procedure. This helps clean out decay from the root of your affected tooth to eliminate painful toothaches and restore your oral health. After completing the procedure, Restorative dentist fills the empty root canal with a rubber compound called gutta percha. She/He then adds an onlay or inlay to the tooth, followed by a dental crown to restore the tooth’s appearance and strength.


At our dental office, we consider extractions an absolute last resort. We always strive to save at least a portion of your damaged tooth with other procedures such as root canals, fillings, and crowns. If your tooth is damaged beyond saving, an extraction may be necessary. Then, other restorative dentistry options, including bridges and implants, can fill the gap in your smile so you’re not left feeling self-conscious.

How Should I Choose A Procedure?

Your dentist can help you to decide on a procedure, as they are well-versed in the techniques that might be able to improve your smile. The best procedure is usually dictated by the condition of your smile as well as your desired results. If you are thinking about a restorative dentistry treatment, you should ask your dentist a few questions before deciding on a procedure:

  • What will the final result look like?
  • What should I expect during treatment?
  • What type of upkeep and maintenance will I need to complete?

How Should I Choose A Restorative Dentist In Tehran?

Choosing the right dentist is another important part of pursuing cosmetic treatment for your teeth. It is important to ensure that your dentist is skilled in restorative dentistry. ask your dentist a few important questions before pursuing treatment:

Proof Of Education

It is important to make sure that your dentist has completed continuing education courses that keep him up-to-date on the aesthetic clinical restorative dentistry techniques.


Before and after pictures will let you see the results that other patients have achieved while under your dentist’s care.

You should also feel comfortable asking any dentist that you choose questions. You and your dentist will need to work together to find the treatment options that will give you the smile of your dreams.

Tips For Taking Care Of  Your Restorative Dentistry Work

  • Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day.
  • Electric toothbrushes can help remove plaque from your teeth and restorative work.
  • Make sure to floss around your teeth, dental implants, crowns, and bridges every day.
  • Try not to chew on hard or sticky foods. These can damage your implant, bridge, or crown.
  • Use an antibacterial mouthwash to help fight plaque bacteria around restorative work.

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