Feldspathic Veneer
There is no treatment that fits everyone. This is also the case when we want to choose between Feldspathic dental veneers or other types of dental veneers. Upon the clinical situation, we decide whether to use Emax veneers or feldspathic.
Feldspathic Advantages:
Color control is much easier since the whole veneer is made of Porcelain.
Amount of reduction required is less since there is no frame/core for the veneer
External finishing will not remove color which is quite helpful for aged veneers.
Difficult fabrication needs a very talented dental ceramist.
Fit can be difficult to obtain since the base core is missing.
Lower Strength compared to Press Veneers.
Ease of construction with the help of the core
Fit is easier since it is the core that fits the model
Strength is higher